Clubbies V2.1 - Talk And Chat of Anything!
The Cave of Wonders 1867899995
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Clubbies V2.1 - Talk And Chat of Anything!
The Cave of Wonders 1867899995
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Clubbies V2.1 - Talk And Chat of Anything!
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The Cave of Wonders

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1Question! The Cave of Wonders Sun Jan 16, 2011 1:24 am

Gala Gryffinstone

Gala Gryffinstone

It was a Friday night. A storm was extremely falling. I was BORED! TOTALLY! So, I decided to do something.. I tried everything. Until theres no other choice than to read a book."I must be dreaming! No way" I exclaimed.. "This is only 1 time.. This is the first, and the last." I said. The Title was rather odd, as I read it."The cave of wonders. Hahahahaha!" I laughed and laughed.. I read the book.. ~30 minutes LATER~. "A map to the cave is what we should find." As the writings was read, in page 106."Yarr! But where would be this ye be found?"~107~. As I was going to flip the page, i noticed something weird. A MAP!.. then after that, somebody came knocking at the door."I'll get it!".. The Cave of Wonders 797104

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