Clubbies V2.1 - Talk And Chat of Anything!
Chatroom Rules 1867899995
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Clubbies V2.1 - Talk And Chat of Anything!
Chatroom Rules 1867899995
Clubbies is the brand new destination for off topic chats. Our friendly staff and interesting members will make sure that your stay is just as enjoyable as it can get!

With Us, Entertainment Is a Guarantee

Clubbies V2.1 - Talk And Chat of Anything!
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Clubbies V2.1 - Talk And Chat of Anything!
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Chatroom Rules

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1Chatroom Rules Empty Chatroom Rules Sun Jul 25, 2010 4:15 am



Advertising is strictly prohibited in the chatroom.If you need to post a link, then do so only in the presence of a moderator. Talking about other sites also means advertising and hence not allowed

Behave in a well tailored attitude in the chatroom.This means you cannot do the following
4-Vulgar language
5-discrimination of any kind


Donot flood the chatroom with specific characters or sentences that in anyway donot contribute to the ongoing discussion

Only English is allowed in the chatroom.For chats in other languages you have to use the international forum.This also implies that leetspeak and other forms of shorthand communications like Mobile SMS language is strictly prohibited

Media and Entertainment
Posting pictures and videos as embed codes is strictly not allowed in the chatroom.If you want to post a picture, then do so in 'spoiler tags'

Other Rules

All Rules in the 'Universal Rules or Regulations' are to be followed in the chatroom

Following are the commands that can be used by members in the chatroom

/me In the beginning of a sentence, this command will be replaced by your username (ex: /me eats a delicious pizza" will display "Nickname eats a delicious pizza")

/exit Disconnect from the Chatbox. You can also precise the reason that will be visible for all members connected (ex: /exit reason)

/abs Send a message noticing that you're absent. You can add a reason that will be displayed in the message and visible by all members connected to the Chatbox (ex: /abs reason)

Our Staff reserve the right to change, add or modify to these rules ant anytime with or without notice.In any case, the decision of the Administrator is final and abiding

Chatroom Rules Cs-wh-88x31

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