Clubbies V2.1 - Talk And Chat of Anything!
The High School Excursion 1867899995
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Clubbies V2.1 - Talk And Chat of Anything!
The High School Excursion 1867899995
Clubbies is the brand new destination for off topic chats. Our friendly staff and interesting members will make sure that your stay is just as enjoyable as it can get!

With Us, Entertainment Is a Guarantee

Clubbies V2.1 - Talk And Chat of Anything!
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The High School Excursion

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1The High School Excursion Empty The High School Excursion Sun Jul 18, 2010 10:36 am



I enjoyed the side breeze as I sat in the bus waiting for someone to join me, I wondered why no one ever joined me, but still I sat staring in the green grass at my eye sight. Almost all of them had gotten into the bus, and I heard the wheels rolling...

I though "Err,Oh! not again, I am all alone!" just as I felt someone sitting near to me, i turned my head and saw...

2The High School Excursion Empty Re: The High School Excursion Sat Jan 15, 2011 10:36 pm

Gala Gryffinstone

Gala Gryffinstone

I was Walking by, In the bus.. When I saw mystic gohan. Hey Dude! U alone? Ya.. Ik.. Want some chocolate bars? as Gala gave Gohan a chocolate bar. Wow it is cold in here!.. as i sat beside mystic_gohan and wore my sweater jacket..

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